Baby acne (Acne Neonatorum) is an acne-like eruption of the skin. Baby acne is very common. It can be present at birth, but more often it shows up after a couple of weeks, usually on the cheeks and sometimes on the forehead, chin, and even the back.


Some evidence suggest that it may be more predominant in baby boys and may be a result of hormonal effect on the baby’s skin due to a relative imbalance of male (androgenic) and female (estrogenic) hormones in the baby’s system following withdrawal of maternal estrogens after delivery. Use of certain medications while nursing, or certain medication taken by the baby might trigger baby acne.

Natural course

Baby acne may come and go until the baby is between 4 and 6 months old. It usually appears as some small whiteheads on the face, or less frequently on the back. These blemishes are different from the little bumps called milia that your baby may have had on the face at birth. Milia usually go away within two weeks.

Baby acne is most prominent when your baby is hot or fussy (increased blood flow to the skin), or when the skin is irritated. Oils and lotions do not help, and may actually aggravate baby acne.

Since your baby isn’t producing these levels of hormones, once you’re done breast feeding and they’re out of it’s system, the acne will generally clear up.


Baby acne is non-scarring and requires no treatment or control but needs treatment to reduce irritating itching.Your pediatrician probably won’t prescribe any treatment unless the acne looks severe enough to scar.

  • Parents are often recommended to apply a little over-the-counter medicine such as hydrocortisone cream for baby acne, but an ionic colloidal silver solution is a far safer remedy and generally more effective, as it kills the bacteria that live on the excess oil, plus stops the itching and promotes healthy skin growth!
  • Avoid the use of creams or oils on your baby’s skin, because these can irritate your baby’s sensitive skin and make the acne worse.
  • Don’t use over-the-counter acne medicines.
  • Do not scrub. Baby acne isn’t caused by dirt. In fact, too much washing can further irritate your baby’s skin, so do not overdo the cleansing.
  • Simply wash your baby’s face with a mild baby soap and water once a day, and gently pat it dry.

Contact our office or call your pediatrician if your baby’s acne does not clear up within three months, is getting worse or if you are concerned about it.

If your baby has a rash anywhere else on its body, or if the rash is scaly or red, call your pediatrician or contact our office.