Germs abound everywhere and we are constantly in touch with things, people and activities that have the potential to cause ill-health or sickness, particularly among children.
The body’s defense against this constant exposure to things that may make children sick is natural immunity. Natural immunity can be innate, which means that it is inherited from the mother during pregnancy, or acquired, that which is gotten from exposure to germs after birth. The innate immunity tends to last only for a short while after the baby is born, at which time the need for acquired immunity becomes necessary.
Immunizations help us to possess this very essential acquired immunity, without having to suffer from the disease itself, by challenging the body to produce antibodies against potential diseases.
At PrimeCare Pediatrics, we believe that every child should be immunized. There may be a few children who are not able to take certain immunizations because of hypersensitivity, or allergy to certain components of the vaccines.
We follow the immunization schedule which is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. This schedule is constantly being revised as new knowledge is acquired and new vaccines become recommended.
Scientists are constantly working to develop immunizations that can prevent diseases. Currently immunizations are available for use in children against the following disease conditions, or that which is caused by these agents. Other immunizations are also available for special situations.
Important Immunization Information
- Why Immunize?
- Are Vaccined Safe?
- Immunization Schedule: From Birth To 18 Yrs
- Catch-up Immunization Schedule: 4 months To 18 Yrs
- Comprehensive List of Vaccine Preventable Diseases
- Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)
Immunization Requirement For School
Two doses each of Hepatitis A and Varicella (Chicken Pox) are now required for entry into all Georgia schools beginning in 2007. Both series can be given beginning at 12 months of age.
The latest recommendation is for middle-schoolers to receive the Tdap, Meningitis and HPV vaccines. This is also true for all teenagers. These vaccines can be conveniently administered at the 11-year well check.