Mother and Child

Parenting can be very challenging. It starts right from the time that you arrive home with your child, if not before. It is a process that goes on continually as your child grows and develops, and as long as they remain at home, and sometimes, long afterwards. At PrimeCare Pediatrics, our mission is to help you find a pediatrician office in Newnan that will help you in this process.


It is different for every parent and every child.

Welcome to Parenthood

Below are a few common issues that most parents encounter as they parent their children. Remember that these are for general information purposes only and may not be applicable to you or your child’s situation. For specific issues pertaining to your circumstances, please call your pediatrician or contact our office.

Creating a Family Tradition

Toilet Training

Four Basic Guidelines about Toilet Training Relax.Toilet training is often the first task that paren...

Television and the Family

Family is the most important influence in a child’s life, but television is not far behind. Televi...

Tips For Successful Feeding

Is My Baby Getting Enough Formula, Or Too Much? Signs that your baby may be getting too little formu...

Puberty Books and Resources for Girls

Resources for the Female Child Here are a some suggestions of useful resources to help in parenting ...

Creating a Family Tradition

Family traditions can go a long way in helping to create and maintain a healthy family life. Family ...

What to Expect at Your Physicals

There are several reasons to schedule checkups or health physical examination for children. It may b...