Immunizations are an important part of our health care delivery to our community.

We strongly recommend that every child be given the opportunity to be immunized as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, using vaccines that are already approved by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and and the Food and Administration Association (FDA).

Every parent is encouraged to take the time to become familiar with the immunizations that their children are given or required to take from time to time. This will enable them to gain knowledge about the usefulness of these vaccines and also provide information about potential side effects.

Below is a list of the vaccines that are currently recommended for children and adolescents and a summarized list of the diseases they help to prevent.

Type of Immunization Diseases They Prevent
Hepatitis A vaccine Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B vaccine Hepatitis B
DTaP vaccine Diphtheria
Pertussis (Whooping cough)
Rotavirus vaccine Rotavirus gastroenteritis
Hemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Ear infections
Other infections
Pneumococcal vaccine(PCV) Pneumonia, Ear infections
Infection at other sites, e.g. Brain, bones, soft tissues
Tdap Diphtheria
Pertussis (Whooping cough)
IPV Poliomyelitis
Influenza vaccine The flu
MMR Measles
Varicella vaccine Chicken pox
Meningococcal vaccine Meningitis
HPV vaccine Human Papilloma virus

Important Immunization Information

Immunization Requirement For School

Two doses each of Hepatitis A and Varicella (Chicken Pox) are now required for entry into all Georgia schools beginning in 2007. Both series can be given beginning at 12 months of age.

The latest recommendation is for middle-schoolers to receive the Tdap, Meningitis and HPV vaccines. This is also true for all teenagers. These vaccines can be conveniently administered at the 11-year well check.

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